Each candle blends a love of the outdoors with fragrances unique to each destination.

candles in tin cans positioned in front of volcanic rock, wood, and a colorful blanket
Good & Well Supply Co.
National park-themed candles by Good & Well Supply Co.

I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but at one early stage of pandemic-fueled isolation, I became candle-obsessed. It was an actual problem. I spent nearly every waking moment in my studio apartment ravaged by an insatiable desire to make the space smell more—and more, and more—pristine.

Before I knew it, there were candles practically spilling out of the apartment’s limited storage. I couldn’t burn them fast enough, nor could my salary support this wax-crazed addiction. Eventually, enough became enough, and I bid adieu to the cash-hemorrhaging lifestyle of liberal candle hopping and settled on a round-up of specific brands. (Shout out to the M. Baker line from Colonial Candle, among others.)

One such brand that is sure to commandeer my nasally affections during these more matured, committed times is the Seattle-based Good & Well Supply Co. Among a product line that includes themed scents like “Apothecary Collection,” “Vintage Canteen Candles,” and “Roadside Motels,” it is a line of national park-themed candles that first grabbed my attention.

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Each waxed national park commodity blends a love of the outdoors with fragrances that celebrate the unique landscapes of each corresponding destination. The Saguaro candle, for example, themed after its namesake national park in Tucson, Arizona, packs a scented punch of cactus, desert florals, labdanum, and amber.

Lavender, cedar, and white sage comprise the scent of a Joshua Tree candle, while the aroma-rich goods of Montana’s Glacier National Park candle includes an amalgamation of huckleberry, bergamot, balsam fir, and vanilla.

Mount Rainier Candle

Courtesy of Good & Well Supply Co

No matter the scent affiliation, every American-made candle from Good & Well Supply Co. is crafted using 100% eco-friendly, recyclable, and ethically sourced practices. Oils are sourced domestically, including wax from American soy and wicks from balsa trees.

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Buying American-made, the company says, helps maintain a conscious effort to reduce carbon emissions. Shipping distances are diminished, and materials come from locations that employ strict environmental controls.

Good & Well Supply Co.’s commitment to the outdoors also extends to the National Park Foundation, the Washington National Park Fund, and diversity and inclusivity initiatives—through Black Outside, Inc.—which the company supports through annual donations.

With spring cleaning upon us, why not add a little fragrance capable of nostalgically transporting you to a memorable destination or that trip that left an indelible mark? You’re putting funds back into the outdoors when doing so.

Learn more about Good & Well Supply Co., their products and apparel, and check out their full line of national park candles here.