Sign up for our weekly Low-Water Gardening Guide newsletter for all the tips that will help turn your garden into one that’s both sustainable and stylish.

Low Water Gardening
David Madison/Getty Images

Sustainable gardens are all the rage, but what does it take to actually create one? We get it; even knowing where to start can seem overwhelming. 

That’s why we’re breaking it down into bite-sized pieces each week in our new limited-run newsletter, The Low-Water Gardening Guide. We’ll help navigate the process and inspire you to finally take that step towards removing your lawn and swapping in the appropriate plants. We’ll even be sharing new ways to irrigate and collect your rain water… spoiler, it’s not always with a rain barrel! 

Sent out to subscribers each Wednesday between now and and April 19, The Low-Water Gardening Guide will cover the ins and outs of designing a water-wise garden and creating your own sustainable sanctuary. In this series, you’ll get one newsletter a week, each packed with expert advice and motivation to make it happen along the way. 

Sign up today to kick start your low-water wins. You’ll also find out about future pop-ups and how to get continued guidance on all things garden—it’s a new year, so let’s grow in new ways together!

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