Want to purchase flowers picked especially for Millennials? What about Gen X or even by zodiac sign? Plantgem has kits for every kind of gardener.

Millennial flower kit from Plantgem


If you like DIY kits and growing gorgeous flowers in your garden—and I personally love both—then I’ve found the mother lode: Plantgem, an online plant company that specializes in curating garden floral kits the way Sephora curates eyeshadow palettes. All the flower collections are color-coordinated, but in a fun twist, they have a bevy of kits organized by the “type” of gardener. As in, from Gen Z to the boomer and from Aquarius to Virgo, the kits are personalized, covet-worthy, and adorably tongue-in-cheek.

“We like to approach gardening from an unconventional perspective, bring a little levity, and make it more whimsical,” says Plantgem co-founder Julie Carson. “We want to say, ‘Plant this because you’re a Capricorn’ as opposed to ‘Plant this because it’s part shade. Plant this because it’s full sun.’”

Her partner, Willow King, agrees. “We want to bring a playful ‘Try it, you’ll like it’ attitude to gardening, as opposed to something that feels daunting.”

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So the question is, how did they decide what goes in which kit? The millennial kit, for example, is for a generation that loves to experiment, says King.

Millennial Garden Kit


“It’s a project-based kit,” she explains. “It has edible Nasturtium ‘Cream Troika,’ Eryngium ‘Blue Glitter’ flowers you can dry, and Japanese indigo you can dye with. The idea is to be DIY. To garnish your cocktails with flowers and share them with your friends, or dye a bandana and wear it around your neck.”

“We also added in the morning glory ‘Flying Saucer’ because it’s so cool and unusual that it would appeal to the millennial spirit of wanting something unique,” says Carson.

Boomer Garden Kit


The boomer kit, on the other hand, takes more time to cultivate and has complementary hues of blooms like blue aster, lavender Lisianthus, and Scabiosa ‘Fama Deep Blue.’

“The varieties are special and unique,” says King, “but they take some TLC and you need more room in the garden. The concept was for the boomer kit to be for people who know what it takes to care for living things.”

And what about those Zodiac kits?

Capricorn Garden Kit


I’m a Capricorn so, according to the website, I want a kit that’s “like” me, “committed, pragmatic … with a pinch of competition thrown in for good fun.” Translation: carnation ‘Spooky’, Cosmos ‘Lemonade’, and viola ‘Cats White,’ among others, will be right up my alley. I have to admit my competitive streak did like that they found the Capricorn birth flower—the lowly carnation—in a variety that looks up-to-date and fringed; unlike any I’ve seen before. (“It’s not your 7-Eleven carnation,” says King.)  

Leo Garden Kit


My close friend who’s a Leo, on the other hand, “shines bright and digs deep,” so she gets leonine hues of orange and gold marigolds, Nigella ‘Black and White,’ and Coreopsis ‘Roulette.’ Hear her roar.

The point, however, isn’t to be too fussy with your choices when it comes to Plantgem’s flower kits. If you’re a millennial but love the boomer selection, go ahead and get the one you want.

“Please break all the rules,” says King. “If you’re a Taurus and you like Capricorn, do it. This isn’t supposed to be stuffy, it’s supposed to be a fun entrée into gardening.”